What an awesome week. We had a White Christmas!! (No snow though) I hope y'all had a great week this week spending time with family, remembering the Savior, and getting stuffed with tons of food!
This week, we had a baptism! (Hence the "White Christmas") It was a family that was found about a month and a half ago, and the mother and oldest daughter were baptized. Jen is a single mom raising three amazing daughters, and Kylee is the oldest of them all at 13, and she definitely led the way and set an example for her younger sisters who will be turning 8 within the year. The Spirit was felt so strongly there and it was a wonderful way to start the day that Christmas Eve morning. Seeing two beautiful daughters of God enter the waters of baptism and take a huge step in their spiritual progression really helped me feel the Spirit and see the true converting power of this gospel and the truth that it contains.
I was also able to see some relatives of mine Christmas Eve and have dinner with them! It was great to see them again after so long and to get to know all of my cousins again!
Christmas morning we went to church and heard a beautiful Christmas program that ended with "Oh, Holy Night", which is my absolute favorite Christmas song. Then we went to the Wagstaff's house for brunch. After that we went to the Davis' household to Skype our families. It was so great to see them and talk to them and just be with them again. And it surprised me how much has changed in the last 6 months! The Davis family also gave us gifts, and one of them being homemade ties from their 15 year old daughter who is really really good at making and designing clothes and such, so bonus. After that we went to the Flinders', the die hard Texan family in one of our wards, and they're a very entertaining family to be around! After that we went to the Ramirez's for some filet mignon which was bomb!!
My heart has been about the same as before. Sadly we are back to playing the waiting game until next week on the 4th, but I will keep y'all posted!
My spiritual thought isn't a scripture or anything this week, but an invitation. I would invite y'all to reflect on the birth and life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This season is a wonderful time to do so because we are literally celebrating His birth. Christ has done so much for us. He took on our pains and sufferings and mistakes and suffered for them and died for them. He was crucified and rose again on the 3rd day. Because of that we can be forgiven of our sins and we can be resurrected again some day, and ultimately return to the presence of our Heavenly Parents while having our families forever. Families are eternal, I know without a shadow of a doubt that they are. May we all strive to be Christlike and to remember the Savior Jesus Christ. I say these things in His sacred name, even Jesus Christ, amen.
Have a wonderful week y'all, and a Happy New Year!! Till next week!
Elder Houssian
Puppy therapy for my heart 
Christmas Eve with Dad's cousins!
Houssian side loves "Take 2"